Saturday, June 2, 2007


Thursday, May 24, 2007

High Availability Considerations: SAP R/3 on DB2 for OS

This redbook will help systems administrators, database administrators, managers, and operations staff to plan, install, and administer the usage of SAP R/3 with DB2 for OS/390 as the database management system on the SAP R/3 Database Server. It is designed to address the issues of high availability in that environment. It is one in a series of redbooks about such an environment.
High availability and continuous availability are key concerns of large customers who depend on their SAP R/3 system. Indeed, the availability built into SAP software is an important reason for customers to choose this as a basis for their business operations. DB2, S/390 hardware, and the OS/390 operating system now have built-in features that enable customers to optimize availability.
In this redbook, we also address the impact of failure in components related to the database server and application servers. We describe the techniques used to eliminate single points of failure and to minimize the impact of failures for unplanned outages. We also describe how to maintain availability during planned outages (those situations when a component will not be available due to maintenance or re-configuration activities.

Helpful System Administration ABAPS

Here are more than 100 ABAPS Source Code

Subtract the comment lines from an abap source for documentation purposes, Send a data stream from ABAP to UNIX named pipe, Tail -f implemented as an ABAP, Draw a box with title, Speed up a program by pausing all the other workprocesses, Display the true average response time, CPU time, db time .... Continuously display the rejected lock requests, Detect object conflicts before importing a transport, Tree display of the UNIX process table - a click on a node expands the sub-tree of it's children processes, Automatically save and circulate the offline redos to a remote server - local script , The remote script for 96a, This perl displays a self-refreshing web page displaying the vital parameters of multiply SAP systems.....

Click to Read More

Enterprise Business Portals II with IBM Tivoli Access Manager

Mastering IBM Tivoli Access Manager is a very important factor in successfully deploying contemporary e-business solutions. Access Manager is the key element in an e-business security framework that needs thorough understanding to achieve maximum security, functionality, and performance. Based on expandable security policies for users, groups, and protected resources, Tivoli Access Manager manages authentication and authorization for application servers, Web sites, and virtually any other resource that requires protection, including custom-written applications.
This IBM Redbook describes how to build an integrated enterprise business portal with Tivoli Access Manager Version 4.1, WebSphere Portal, mySAP Workplace, and the SAP Enterprise Portal. It also describes how to implement a federated single sign-on solution within a Web Services scenario. This redbook is partitioned into general and customer scenario based sections.
This redbook is a valuable resource for security administrators and architects who wish to understand and implement a centralized security infrastructure.

End-to-End Scheduling with OPC and TWS Mainframe and Distributed Environments

Tivoli OPC and Tivoli Workload Scheduler (formerly Maestro) are the two scheduling engines that make up Tivoli's integrated solution for enterprise scheduling. Tivoli OPC has a firm share of the mainframe scheduling market, and TWS is the scheduler of choice for distributed environments. Tivoli has now made available the Job Scheduling Console, addressing the end-to-end scheduling requirements that are central to multi-platform environments. Tivoli OPC 2.3 and Tivoli Workload Scheduler 7.0 can now be managed from this common graphical user interface, creating a best-of-breed cross-platform scheduling solution.
This IBM Redbook provides step-by-step setup instructions, as well as detailed troubleshooting guidelines for implementing OPC, TWS, and the Job Scheduling Console. It covers the most important features of both engines and provides illustrative practical usage scenarios, including exploitation of the new common GUI, installation and usage of Extended Agents, and advice on implementing high-availability environments. Users migrating from previous releases will find the migration checklists and the terminology translation tables extremely valuable.
This book is based on OPC 2.3 and TWS 7.0 and will be usefulto those customers who are working to integrate OPC and TWS, as well as those working with OPC or TWS alone.

DB2 UDB for z/OS V8: Through the Looking Glass and What SAP Found There

DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8 (DB2 V8) introduces a large number of new features that provide for unmatched scalability, availability, performance, and manageability to reliably handle any information needed in SAP solutions. The objective of this IBM Redbook is to identify the new features of DB2 V8 that are particularly beneficial to SAP and to describe how SAP applications can take advantage of these new features. While some of these features can be exploited transparently by the currently available versions of DB2, for some others the next technological release of SAP will be required. The redbook introduces the new features and provides real-life examples from SAP to demonstrate the usefulness of the new features for SAP and to show how SAP can exploit them.
The considerations within this redbook apply to the whole spectrum of business solutions within the mySAP Business Suite, such as mySAP ERP and mySAP Supply Chain Management. These solutions share the common technical application platform SAP NetWeaver that includes the SAP Web Application Server and SAP Business Information Warehouse.
While this redbook specifically investigates the new features of DB2 V8 in the context of SAP, the majority of the considerations also apply to other enterprise packaged applications. The reason for this it that from a database management perspective, these applications have many similarities, such as a strong usage of dynamic SQL and a large number of database objects. For a more general description of the new features of DB2 V8, see DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know , ... and More, SG24-6079.

DB2 Packages: Implementation and Use

This document is a comprehensive guide to the package function brought by DB2 V2.3. It considers both the distributed and nondistributed environments. It provides a detailed explanation of the BIND PACKAGE function, including the use of collections and versioning, recommendations on how to implement packages, and discussion of the related performance issues.
The document also provides working examples on possible package management solutions.This document is intended for customers and technical professionals who need to know how to take advantage of the new package function and to administer packages. A knowledge of DB2 V2.3, DB2 V3, and Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) connectivity is assumed.

Database Administration Experiences: SAP R/3 on DB2 for OS/390

The objective of this redbook is to relate our experiences in performing database administration in an environment where the database server of SAP R/3 Release 4.5A is DB2 for OS/390. We used DB2 for OS/390 Release 5.1; this redbook does contain some preliminary information about Release 6. OS/390 Release 2.6 was the operating system on our S/390. The areas documented show the practicality of that environment; that is, how these products deliver a modern reliable processing system, with real value to an enterprise.
All the subjects covered by this redbook deal with database administration. We include common commands an administrator will probably need to use, then include those commands in functions necessary in an SAP R/3 installation. Those functions include backup/restore, reorganization, and handling growth. There is some performance and tuning information, but it is related to the reports and commands that would be used.
This redbook is especially useful for database administrators who need to perform the tasks that are the heart of the solution environment. Those database administrators who are familiar with other database servers commonly used with SAP R/3 will find this book valuable in determining which functions are done differently when using this solution. This book is also of value to consultants and systems administrators who must understand the environment and the means of providing the benefits of that environment.
An understanding of SAP R/3 is assumed, as well as some knowledge of DB2 and how it functions; the book is meant to supplement the information from the standard document libraries of SAP R/3, DB2 for OS/390, OS/390, and AIX.

Building and Scaling SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 UDB ESE

SAP is a leading ERP vendor, with a large install base. A key element in their product set is the SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW). The primary objective of this IBM Redbook is to provide guidelines to help you implement your SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 UDB ESE.
Two major considerations when building a business information warehouse are scalability and performance. In this book, we have demonstrated the wide range of scalability of BW when implemented on DB2, while maintaining the performance requirements that are so critical. The parallelism and data partitioning capabilities of DB2 Universal Database ESE, enables a robust, highly scalable, and high performance business information warehouse.
For a common understanding, we first discuss the concepts of data warehousing and then describe the SAP architecture and robust component capabilities of the SAP business information warehouse. To help in your implementation, we provide guidelines for how to configure SAP BW when it is built on DB2.
We also describe and discuss the key capabilities and parameters to help you get the best from DB2. Key topics such as sizing, partitioning, performance tuning, and systems administration, are discussed to assist in the implementation and maintenance of your system. This redbook will help enable you to more quickly and easily implement a robust SAP BW on DB2 UDB ESE.

Best Practices for SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 for z/OS V8

This IBM Redbook describes the benefits of DB2 V8 for SAP Business Information Warehouse. It covers best practices, and provides performance and tuning recommendations.
SAP Business Information Warehouse is the central reporting tool for almost all SAP business solutions. It is based on building blocks called InfoObjects that contain data about customers, sales, and business information.
InfoObjects include InfoSources, ODS objects, and InfoCubes. The business intelligence solution from IBM and SAP can help you aggregate and leverage this information, giving you a system-wide view of your business data and delivering it across your enterprise to support sound business decisions.However, this structure can lead to slow performance if the system is not set up and managed according to good database principles.
This redbook describes best practices for this product on a zSeries platform, and provides performance and tuning recommendations for loading and querying data. It also addresses general system administration and troubleshooting.The audience for this redbook includes SAP and DB2 administrators. Knowledge of these products and of the z/OS environment is assumed.

Backup Solutions for SAP R/3 4.5B on Netfinity Servers running Windows NT

Most companies today are dependent to a greater or lesser extent on their computing infrastructure, but few computing environments can be as fundamental to the operation of a business as SAP R/3. This enterprise resource planning software product is at the heart of a growing number of businesses that range in size from relatively small companies with a few hundred employees to global enterprises with tens of thousands.
Protecting critical business data held within the SAP system from loss can be a crucial factor in ensuring the survival of a company. Whether you want to provide archive storage or to protect against data loss through user error, system failure, malicious damage, or natural disaster, taking regular backups is a necessary process in the management of any important data processing system and SAP R/3 is no exception.
This redbook is aimed at SAP R/3 installations implemented using a Windows NT Server platform running on IBM’s Netfinity range of Intel-based servers. It will help you to implement efficient and reliable backup processes for your SAP R/3 installation. Focus is placed on backing up the core SAP system, that is, the database and application servers that constitute the heart of the product. Solutions have been provided for systems based on the Oracle, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server databases. In addition, we have provided one example of a backup solution for a clustered SAP system.
We have assumed you are familiar with the SAP R/3 system in a Windows NT environment. Our backup methodology uses Tivoli Storage Manager, and an introduction to this and related Tivoli products is provided in the first part of the book.

ABAP/4 programming language overview

This documentation describes the syntax and meaning of ABAP/4 key words (for Release 3.0C). The contents are identical to the online help function.
The following table lists the keywords in alphabetical order. Click on a keyword to display the documentation.
ABAP/4 is a registered trademark of SAP Aktiengesellschaft Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung, Neurottstr. 16, D-69190 Walldorf.

A Holistic Approach to a Reliable Infrastructure for SAP R/3 on AIX

SAP R/3 has become one of the most widespread Enterprise Resource Planning software products in the world. It is the application that is at the core of every company's business. With the incorporation of Web-initiated e-business transactions in SAP R/3, it now has to be available literally all the time.
This IBM Redbook shows a holistic approach for a reliable and highly available SAP R/3 infrastructure based on IBM eServer pSeries. It is a collection of knowledge gathered from a team of SAP R/3 basis consultants that have gained their experience over many years by working in numerous projects.
This redbook provides a high-level overview of the SAP R/3 architecture and contains the high availability design criteria that are essential for IT managers and solution architects. It includes tips and tricks for database copies, performance optimization, and troubleshooting. This redbook also features a wealth of practical information and hints, which are needed during implementation, for IT specialists, SAP R/3 administrators, and system administrators.
This redbook is an invaluable source of information for all professionals that maintain a reliable SAP R/3 environment.

A B2B Solution using WebSphere Business Integration V4.1 and WebSphere Business Connection V1.1

The world of e-commerce is changing rapidly. Some ten years ago, e-commerce was mostly defined as participating in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) initiative.
Today, e-commerce means much more than just EDI: it means supporting interactive Web sites; it means enabling the communications with multiple exchanges; it means using XML and the Internet to conduct interactive business-to-customer and business-to-business communications.

This IBM Redbook explores some of the possibilities using products from WebSphere Business Integration V4.1 and WebSphere Business Connect V1.1 product suites.


Sunday, April 1, 2007

SAPscript Made Easy 4.6

Publisher: Johnson Printing Service
Number Of Pages: 292
Publication Date: 2000-01-26
Sales Rank: 377184
ISBN / ASIN: 1893570142
EAN: 9781893570146
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Johnson Printing Service
Studio: Johnson Printing Service
Average Rating: 3
Total Reviews: 4

Book Description: )
This guidebook (known as Printout Design Made Easy until Release 3.1H) helps reduce consulting time in development and modification of SAPscript forms. The book explains in an intuitive step-by-step manner how to do most common task (like moving/adding fields, printing bar codes and/or company logos etc.). These task help adapt forms quicker and more efficiently by using the new graphical WYSIWYG-based tools Form Painter and PC Editor.

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