Thursday, April 26, 2007
Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML : The Catalysis(SM) Approach (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Number Of Pages: 88
Publication Date: 2005-09-29
Sales Rank: 118776
ISBN / ASIN: 0596101031
EAN: 9780596101039
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Studio: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Book Description:
Smart web developers will tell you that the sooner you detect your code mistakes, the quicker you can fix them, and the less the project will cost in the long run. Well, the most efficient way to detect your mistakes in PHP is with PHPUnit, an open source framework that automates unit testing by running a battery of tests as you go. The benefits of PHPUnit are significant:
a reduction in the effort required to frequently test code
fewer overall defects
added confidence in your code
improved relations with your open source teammates
The only problem with this popular testing tool was its lack of documentation-until now, that is. For this, O'Reilly went right to the source, as Sebastian Bergmann, the author of PHPUnit Pocket Guide, also happens to be PHPUnit's creator. This little book brings together hard-to-remember information, syntax, and rules for working with PHPUnit. It also delivers the insight and sage advice that can only come from the technology's creator. Coverage of testing under agile methodologies and Extreme Programming (XP) is also included.
The latest in O'Reilly's series of handy Pocket Guides, this quick-reference book puts all the answers are right at your fingertips. It's an invaluable companion for anyone interested in testing the PHP code they write for web applications.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Your Visual Blueprint for Building Versatile Programs on the .NET Framework
ISBN: 0764536494
Title: VB.NET: Your Visual Blueprint for Building Versatile Programs on the .NET Framework
Author: Richard Bowman
Publisher: Hungry Minds
Publication Date: 2002-01-15
Number Of Pages: 352
Average Amazon Rating: 4.0
Each step in this great guide is displayed with callouts so you can see exactly where the action takes place on the screen. VB.NET functions are thoroughly covered, including designing forms and controls, using multimedia and databases, integrating VB.NET with ASP.NET, and creating server-side Web applications. This book also includes a special appendix about Web and Windows forms reference, ADO.NET, and ASP.NET.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (WPF) (Unleashed)
Publisher: Sams
Number Of Pages: 656
Publication Date: 2006-12-21
Sales Rank: 2165
ISBN / ASIN: 0672328917
EAN: 9780672328916
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Sams
Studio: Sams Book Description: )
Windows® Presentation Foundation Unleashed
Adam Nathan
with Daniel Lehenbauer, Lead Developer Responsible for WPF 3D
Printed entirely in color, with helpful figures and syntax coloring to make code samples appear as they do in Visual Studio.
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a key component of the .NET Framework 3.0, giving you the power to create richer and more compelling applications than you dreamed possible. Whether you want to develop traditional user interfaces or integrate 3D graphics, audio/video, animation, dynamic skinning, rich document support, speech recognition, or more, WPF enables you to do so in a seamless, resolution-independent manner. Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed is the authoritative book that covers it all, in a practical and approachable fashion, authored by .NET guru and Microsoft developer Adam Nathan.
· Covers everything you need to know about Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
· Examines the WPF feature areas in incredible depth: controls, layout, resources, data binding, styling, graphics, animation, and more
· Features a chapter on 3D graphics by Daniel Lehenbauer, lead developer responsible for WPF 3D
· Delves into non-mainstream topics: speech, audio/video, documents, bitmap effects, and more
· Shows how to create popular UI elements, such as features introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office System: Galleries, ScreenTips, custom control layouts, and more
· Demonstrates how to create sophisticated UI mechanisms, such as Visual Studio-like collapsible/dockable panes
· Explains how to develop and deploy all types of applications, including navigation-based applications, applications hosted in a Web browser, and applications with great-looking non-rectangular windows
· Explains how to create first-class custom controls for WPF
· Demonstrates how to create hybrid WPF software that leverages Windows Forms, ActiveX, or other non-WPF technologies
· Explains how to exploit new Windows Vista features in WPF applications
Register your book at for access to download all examples and source code presented in this book.
Category: Windows Programming
Covers: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), .NET Framework
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Programming Windows Server 2003
Publisher: Manning Publications
Number Of Pages: 350
Publication Date: 2003-09-01
Sales Rank: 600182
ISBN / ASIN: 1930110987
EAN: 9781930110984
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Manning Publications
Studio: Manning Publications
Average Rating: 4
Book Description: )
Designed to help developers understand the new features of Windows Server 2003, this book demonstrates how to apply these features to new and existing .NET applications. A sample application and several different phases of the software development life cycle are followed. The new features of the .NET framework 1.1, Internet Information Services 6.0, and COM+ 1.5 are covered, as are the best practices of writing ASP.NET applications. The ways in which applications can take advantage of these features to improve performance and reliability are also discussed. Information on XML web services and how these services can use Windows Server 2003’s UDDI Services for an enterprise-wide implementation of web services is included. In addition, how to best secure applications by applying different techniques that are available both in Windows Server 2003 and the .NET Framework is discussed.
Designed to help developers understand the new features of Windows Server 2003, this book demonstrates how to apply these features to new and existing .NET applications. A sample application and several different phases of the software development life cycle are followed. The new features of the .NET framework 1.1, Internet Information Services 6.0, and COM+ 1.5 are covered, as are the best practices of writing ASP.NET applications. The ways in which applications can take advantage of these features to improve performance and reliability are also discussed. Information on XML web services and how these services can use Windows Server 2003’s UDDI Services for an enterprise-wide implementation of web services is included. In addition, how to best secure applications by applying different techniques that are available both in Windows Server 2003 and the .NET Framework is discussed.
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